
Women's Guild

Mary, Mother of our Lord, pray for us.

We were founded in 1965 by pastor, Msgr Meilinger and chose as our patron, Mary, the Mother of our Lord. Women parishioners 18 years of age and up are invited to join the Women’s Guild. The mission of our Guild is to encourage devotion to Mary through prayer, to promote spiritual, service, and social activities and to provide opportunities for women of our parish to get to know one another. Members can choose from a variety of activities each month in which to be involved. Dues include a newsletter mailed to the member’s home and reduced rate on our bus trips, but the rewards of membership are far greater than these. Annual membership is $5, a lifetime membership is also available for a one-time fee of $100. If you would like more information, please contact Joanne Scharf at (815) 262-5887 or jo***********@gm***.com.

“Serve the Lord with laughter.” – St. Padre Pio

2024 Guild Officers:

  • Joanne Scharf, President
  • Pat Barrigas, Vice President
  • Jan Duncan, Secretary
  • Joanne Peterson, Treasurer

Adoration Chapel Help

We are in need of more adorers for the Women’s Guild hour at the Adoration Chapel. Our assigned time is 5 PM to 6 PM on Saturday evening. If you commit to do an hour, you will only be called on once or twice a year. This is a wonderful time to spend with our Lord and you’ll be glad you did. Let God transform your life through prayer. If you are able to volunteer for this hour, please call Nancy Saunders at (815) 608-3613 or email her at na****@co*****.net.