
Family Faith Formation at Holy Family (F³@HF)

F3@HF is a parish based religious education program for the entire family.

Mission Statement:

Empowering parents as the primary educators of the Catholic faith. Families making room for the Spirit of the Lord to fill their homes, hearts, and lives.

Our Motto

You, the domestic Church, meet every day. We, the parish church, gather once a month.

Theme for 2024/2025 school year:

Life in Christ.

We begin in September and are now taking registrations.

You are the first teachers of your children, the first ones who taught them about their faith, you baptized them, and you know you want to bring them up in the catholic faith. We will give you the tools necessary to continue to do this daily. Most of the time you probably won’t even know you’re doing it but you are. That is Faith in action. This can become the center of your faith.
F3@HF is a ministry which truly empowers parents as the primary educators of the Catholic Faith. F3@HF will combine large group sessions, at-home sessions, service opportunities and so much more. F3@HF will bring to life the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Holy Bible, through hands-on interactive family friendly studies helping all members of the family continue to grow in their faith.


What does this program look like?

We gather one Saturday a month for family Mass and family dinner. Then there is time for family catechesis and a family activity. Then we separate the parents and children for adult catechesis and workbook question and answers for children and catechists. The evening is finished with “Sweets and Social” a half hour of time to visit and mingle with fellow parishioners in the program.

When does this program meet?

One Saturday a month from 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM with your Sunday Mass obligation included.

What ages is this program for?

Pre-school through 9th grade, but older siblings are encouraged to join in the monthly gatherings.

What supplies are needed?

Each family will be supplied with their own ‘Tool Kit” containing a Children’s Bible and other resource books.  Each tool kit has a zipper pouch with pen, pencil, markers, highlighter, scissors, and Holy Water.
Each family will have a family workbook and each child will have a children’s workbook to work with throughout the school year. You are to work together on the family workbook. The family and child workbooks come with you each month to our meetings.
Tokens will be awarded for completed workbooks. Theses tokens will be given out at our May celebration to end the year.

What does the program cost?

Family Tool Kit (1 time fee): $125.00 ($150.00 inactive or out of parish)
Individual Family of Faith Activity Book: $55.00 (per student)

ESC Sacramental Fees

1st Reconciliation/Communion: $30.00
Confirmation: $65.00
Meal Plan: $90.00 or you may pay $10/month